Winner Road Median Strips
Project overview: Fifteen minutes from downtown Kansas City, nestled among historic homes and tree-lined streets dating back to the 1800s, is a four-block stretch of Winner Road and the heart of the Englewood Station Arts District.
In collaboration with residents, local businesses, and the newly formed Englewood Art Center, a group of volunteers have come together to work on designing and reshaping these median strips, which they are calling "The Englewood beautification project." This project consists of the designing, planting, and placement of public art and seating along the Englewood historic arts district's median strips. The goal is to make this stretch of public land a pollinator/butterfly waystation and an area that could be used by all as “small parklets” and help make a cohesive greenspace that will be in the center of the revitalization of this district.
Located within an Opportunity Zone (that provides substantial tax benefits for capital improvement to property in the designated zone), with an abundance of affordable and historic homes within walking distance, people have started to move in and invest. The reshaping of the Winner Road median strips is one of the many ways the community wants to show pride in their neighborhood.
The volunteer group plans to tackle this project in two phases. The first will be a planning period which will consist of a project outline, fundraising for phase one, and pot and tree well planning to raise awareness of the larger median strips re-designing. Phase two will consist of working with a professional or student-led design team to oversee the vision and design, a second round of fundraising. Then the approval from the city and the implementation of the design.
Planning period/ draft project outline: January 2022- April 30, 2022
Fundraising for phase one: March 21, 2022
Pot and tree well planting: April -May 2022
Phase two //Work with design team on vison and design: Fall 2022
Fundraising for phase two: late fall
Present to City: January 2023
Implement phase two: spring 2023
Englewood Properties LLC-Scott Cauger
KCPS-April Preston & Team
West iNd Connection
B Vogue Salon & Gallery
Steve & Joan Isrealite
GK Callahan & Jason Conaway
Kevin and Karen Callahan